Unlike virtual reality, which displays distant and alien worlds, augmented reality shows elements superimposed on the vision of the surrounding real world. However, the two modes will tend to integrate, creating Mixed Reality.Carraro LAB has develops pilot applications and significant research projects in the developmental guidelines of augmented and mixed reality.
Carraro LAB has developed augmented reality applications for tourism and culture. In the UNESCO site of Brescia, with the Epson Moverio Augmented Reality glasses, you can see the Roman ruins with the original 3D reconstruction superimposed.
In the Apulia Region it is possible to visit the territory with the support of augmented reality, thanks to the APP "Puglia Reality+ "
In the Alta Murgia National Park, visitors can see and listen to the augmented points of interest in the area.
As the user moves in the environment, augmented reality can provide innovative digital navigation solutions. The content on the move algorithm, developed byCarraro LAB for the prototype of Expo Smart City APP, distributes content to the user on the move according to different parameters: position, direction of movement and gaze, speed, information priority, thematic choices and options. The experience is an automated and geo-referenced audio-guide, with increased content distributed to the user on the move.
Carraro Lab has developed an example of Mixed Reality with the application Hello Robi, published in Italy and Japan for the launch of a robot to be manufactured in pieces. The user who bought the dossier with the first piece, framing the package with a mobile phone, sees the 3D model of the robot appear, which comes alive and greets.
Virtual reality is strongly correlated to artificial vision, which enables different functions:
Carraro LAB has developed several researches for the European project Astute, dedicated to the automotive sector: for the smart car, enhanced vision, visual search and recognition functions are expected. On the dashboard or other locations, augmented information appears based on both navigation data and real-time camera footage in the environment.